How to put "top entrecard dropper" widget on your blog

having the entrecard top dropper widget make dropper come more often so that their link is in the widget.You will also get the benefit of getting more EC.More EC means you can advertise more on other site that you like.

To put top entrecard widget on your blogger you have to do the following

1) login to your entrecard and click on "statistic"
--scroll down to "top card dropper" and click on the rss icon
--copy the url

2)click here
-click on the "add to your web page " button
-paste the url on the FEED URL and customise the colour you want
-click on "get the code" and copy the html

3)login to blogger
-click on "layout", then "add a gadget"
-click on html/javascript
-paste and save

ITs done..hope you get more dropper.Don`t forget to drop on mine.